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Annals of Internal Medicine
J. Wilson. The pain divide between men and women . March, 2006.
E. Podolak. Facial expressions quantify pain in lab mice. May, 2010.
British Medical Journal
N. Hawkes. Painkillers may need to be sex specific . February, 2000.
M. Koch. Making a difference in pain . September, 2015.
Current Biology
S. Shiers and T. Price. A male-specific pain memory mechanism . January, 2019.
EMBO Reports
P. Hunter. The reproducibility “crisis” . September, 2017.
Journal of the American Medical Association
T. Hampton. A world of pain: scientists explore factors controlling pain perception . November, 2006.
L. Lamberg. Venus orbits closer to pain than Mars, Rx for one sex may not benefit the other . July, 1998.
Journal of NIH Research
K. Hopkin. Pain in the mouse: searching for pain’s genetic roots. October, 1997.
N. Touchette. Estrogen signals a novel route to pain relief. April, 1993.
Lab Animal
Z. Dworsky-Fried & Taylor, A.M.W. Sex differences in learned conditioned pain sensitivity . March, 2019.
E. Neff. Painless pain assessments with machine learning . May, 2018.
B.B. Gunderson. Solving for (se)x . September, 2015.
B. Nogrady. How pain is misunderstood and ignored in women . September, 2024.
E. Dolgin. How a ‘pain-o-meter’ could improve treatments . September, 2024.
C. Brown. A drug-free prescription for pain . September, 2024.
L. Odling-Smee. Chronic pain: the long road to discovery . March, 2023.
H. Wood. Anti-inflammatory drugs could cause chronic pain . July, 2022.
A. Dance. Why the sexes don’t feel pain the same way . March, 2019.
S. Pain. Painful progress . July, 2016.
E. Brown. Genetics: an incomplete mosaic . July, 2016.
J. Marchant. Strong placebo response thwarts painkiller trials . October, 2015.
Research Highlight: Male mice process pain differently . July, 2015.
A. Katsnelson. Male researchers stress out rodents . May, 2014.
D. Cressey. Rabbits show their pain . Sept. 7, 2012.
M. Baker. Animal models: Inside the minds of mice and men . July, 2011.
J. Weaver. Mouse pain study stirs debate . May, 2010.
M. Baker. The author file: Jeffrey Mogil . May, 2010.
J. Weaver. Mice pull pained expressions . May, 2010.
E. Hayden. Sex bias blights drug studies . March, 2010.
E. Marris. More pain studies needed . March, 2009.
Nature Biotechnology
C. Seydel. The missing sex . February, 2021.
Nature Medicine
E. Dolgin. Animalgesic effects . November, 2010.
Nature Reviews Neurology
H. Wood. Anti-inflammatory drugs could cause chronic pain . May 24, 2022.
V. Morell. Rats see the pain in other rats faces . March 31, 2015.
D. Grimm. Male scent may compromise biomedical studies . May, 2014.
N. Akpan. Pain no deterrent for male libido . April, 2014.
G. Miller. Signs of empathy seen in mice . June, 2006.
J. Marx. Prolonging the agony . July, 2004.
J. Marx. Why other people may not feel your pain . July, 2004.
C. Holden. Redhead’s relief . April, 2003.
Science Signaling
E.M. Adler. Of stress, pain, gender and the arginine vasopressin receptor . December, 2011.
Science Translational Medicine
D. Lowe. The rising placebo effect . October, 2015.
The Lancet
Editorial. Research matters: challenges of replication . March, 2017.
J. Bradbury. Why do men and women feel and react to pain differently? May, 2003.